Friday, March 11, 2016

Using Instagram to get Traffic to your Website


Instagram has become the world’s largest and most popular image sharing app. If predictions of experts are to go by, then Instagram may generate more ad sales than Google and Twitter by 2017. That should tell you how effective the social media site is to get traffic to your website.
Like all other social media sites, Instagram has its pros and cons. Not everyone would get the same returns on their investments and you may even have a completely ineffective campaign. Whether or not your advertising or social media marketing campaigns on Instagram have the desired impact will depend on many factors. We shall focus on a few of them here.

  • Always establish your presence and provide enough information using a few snippets. Instagram profiles can have a brief bio and you can even use a website link. You can provide a few phrases that best describe your products, services and company or brand values. It could also be a personal profile linked to the website of your company. Regardless of that, you must be very crisp in mentioning what you do or what the profile is for. Social media users like following profiles that are relevant for them. You cannot instill relevance unless you are lucid with your messaging upfront.


  • All major newspapers, from The New York Times to Wall Street Journal, use Instagram to draw traffic by using a link and an image accompanying a brief message. The brief message or textual post could be an edited headline or title of the article. It could be a phrase or a line offering a sneak peek of the content that the audience would get to read or explore when they click on the link. The image could itself be the redirecting link or you may have the image enlarged upon a click and only a click on the link would redirect the Instagram user. While this is a standard strategy, where you need to be effective is the list of contents that your follower or clicker gets exposed to on the landing page. Forbes uses a strategy where you don’t just get the content laid out on the landing page. Instead, the truncated links take you to a list of articles which you can pick and choose. Of course, you can get use the heading or the title as a reference to get to the actual article you wanted to read in the first place. Not offering the exact webpage in truncated or back links is not ideal. But not having a stream of associated or even disassociated contents is not wise either.


  • A call to action is always imperative. It may sound too obvious to mention that a link has to be clicked, an image has to be hovered upon for a zoomed view or what an Instagram user must do to enter a contest or sign up for a goodie. Despite it being obvious, you must issue a call to action. Just a word or a phrase, a line or an image would do the trick. People need to be reminded of what they are supposed to do even when they know it. Chances are the users wouldn’t always know what your company expects of them during a campaign. A lucid call to action will always get more traffic to your website.

There are certain misconceptions about Instagram. Many companies focus solely on images. Many think the site is not good enough for textual contents. Both perceptions are wrong. A fine combination of images and textual content would always be more effective than either verbose or visual content.

Using Instagram to get Traffic to your Website appeared first on Instavisits.

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